Extra! Extra! MemoQ 4 acabou de sair do forno!

Mensagem do Gábor Ugray na lista do MemoQ:

Hi All,

I am happy to announce that you can now download the first release build of the new memoQ 4.0 from the following link: http://kilgray.com/memoq/memoQSetup.4.0.15.exe. I can sense the vibrations of excitement in the air, so instead of touting the features of 4.0, I’ll just share a few useful bits of information here.

— memoQ 4.0 is designed to co-exist with 3.6 on the same PC. Just run the new installer, and you can pick which version to open. TMs and TBs are fully exchangeable, i.e., you can use the same ones in both products.

— When you first start the new version, you will be prompted to upgrade your licenses as usual with point version upgrades. memoQ will then convert your legacy “settings” into new “resources.”

— You can open 3.6 projects in the new version, but after conversion these projects will no longer open in 3.6. memoQ 4.0 will not connect to legacy servers.

— Just as the tool itself, the HTML help has been fundamentally reworked. So do share questions, concerns and impressions about both, here as well as in private mail. Improving the documentation is as important as improving memoQ itself; we are happy to see your engagement in both areas.

Download and enjoy!



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2 respostas para “Extra! Extra! MemoQ 4 acabou de sair do forno!”

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