(Português) Parceria da Abrates facilita a vida de quem recebe do exterior

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Você é daqueles que reclama que as associações não fazem nada por você?

Pois eu tenho uma excelente notícia para quem tem clientes no exterior e sente a dor no bolso na hora de receber: a Abrates fechou uma parceria com a Advanced Corretora para que os associados tenham vantagens na hora de fechar o câmbio. Pelo que foi postado no site da corretora, teremos desconto na taxa de corretagem e câmbio melhor ao comprar moeda estrangeira, além de serviço de entrega.

Informações no site da Advanced e no site da Abrates.

Mas, reiterando, essas vantagens valem apenas para tradutores associados à Abrates. Ainda acha que não vale a pena se associar? 😉

(Português) A tecnologia vai acabar com o Tradutor? – Abrates 2015

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Minha segunda palestra no congresso da Abrates deste ano foi sobre a postura do tradutor com relação à tecnologia. Muitos a veem como inimiga, mas eu prefiro considerá-la uma aliada poderosa.

Sugiro que abram as notas dos slides para que as imagens não sejam interpretadas fora do contexto da apresentação. É só clicar na engrenagem logo abaixo da apresentação e depois em “Open speaker notes”. Aparecerá uma nova janela mais ou menos com esta cara (use o painel à esquerda para navegar pelas notas):

Screenshot 2015-06-11 16.02.00

Links para sites mencionados na apresentação:

Uwe Muegge




Google Translate

Google Translate Toolkit


(Português) Falsos cognatos e decalques na tradução médica – Abrates 2015

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Os slides da minha apresentação no congresso da Abrates sobre decalques e falsos cognatos na tradução médica, em parceria com a Ju Samel, está logo aí embaixo.
Como prometido, as traduções e explicações dos termos estão nas notas. Para ver, clique na engrenagem logo abaixo da apresentação e depois em “Open speaker notes”. Aparecerá uma nova janela mais ou menos com esta cara (use o painel à esquerda para navegar pelas notas):

Screenshot 2015-06-11 15.33.28

A íntegra da resolução 196 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, que eu mencionei várias vezes, está aqui (no formato PDF).

(Português) Quimiquês for dummies no Tradusa

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.

Conforme prometido, aqui estão os links para as fontes de bibliografia para estudo de nomenclatura química que mencionei na palestra do Tradusa:

Guia IUPAC para a Nomenclatura de Compostos Orgânicos. Tradução Portuguesa nas Variantes Europeia e Brasileira, Lidel, 2002 (ISBN 972-757-150-6) – apenas versão impressa

Sociedade Brasileira de Química – publicações e artigos em PT-BR

IUPAC – bibliografia para nomenclatura oficial em inglês

Recomendações da IUPAC para a nomenclatura de moléculas orgânicas – artigo de José Augusto R. Rodrigues na Revista Química Nova na Escola

Nomenclatura da IUPAC – Wikipedia

Catálogo da Abiquifi (Associação Brasileira da Indústria Farmacêutica e de Insumos Farmacêuticos)

Translation Journal – série de artigos de Chester E. Claff, Jr. sobre nomenclatura de compostos orgânicos

A internet como fonte de informação bibliográfica em química – artigo de Anderson Rouge dos Santos, Caio Lima Firme e José Celestino Barros para a Revista Química Nova (PDF)

Nomenclatura de compostos orgânicos segundo as recomendações da IUPAC – artigo de José Augusto R. Rodrigues, do Instituto de Química da Unicamp

Nomenclatura de compostos orgânicos

Nomenclatura de compostos de coordenação: uma proposta simplificada – Artigo de Ana M. da C. Ferreira e Henrique E. Toma na Revista Química Nova (PDF)

Quimiquês for Dummies – Tradusa

What your clients want you to do

One of my clients recently sent these tips to their translators, and I think they can be useful to most of us.

  • Be honest. If in doubt, say No.If you are not sure if you can meet the deadline or can take on the job, please be honest and say “No” or ask for more time before you accept it. Asking for an extension after the project has started will cause us many problems.
  • If we don’t give you a clear written confirmation, a Project Number and a Purchase Order, do NOT start working.POs include all the details for the project, such as schedule, agreed cost, list of files to translate and instructions. You can only invoice us for the amount included in this form, so you must ensure that you read the PO and agree with all details listed there before you start working on the project.
  • Please do not be afraid to ask!We are always happy to help you in any way we can and you should always clarify any queries you may have. If we don’t know the answer, we will ask our clients.
  • Instructions should always be followed.We always analyse the client’s requirements in detail before we start any project and prepare a list of instructions for our translators. These instructions are included in the confirmation e-mail, as well as in the documentation for the project, and are aimed at helping you during the translation process. It is essential that you always follow them. If you don’t, we may need to ask you to re-do your work.
  • Reference documentation should always be used.We always try to get as much reference documentation, definitions and background information as we can from our clients. It is vital that you read and understand these before you complete your translation. This will also cut down on finalisation time.
  • Check before delivering!Please always check your work very carefully before delivering it to us. We will send back any work that contains issues. This also applies to running a an automatic (as well as manual) spell check before you send any work to us. Translations with spelling mistakes are not acceptable.
  • If the quality of the translation you need to proof-read is bad, please tell us before you start working.Always provide examples of issues and we will look into them and decide what to do. Please remember that you cannot charge us more for extra work, unless we approve the additional costs before you start!
  • Improve it if you can!By proof-reading we mean not only correcting purely linguistic issues, but also every other aspect of a translation. We expect you to check: accuracy, spelling, grammar, style, consistency, formatting , terminology, appropriateness for the target audience, etc . By checking we mean not only spotting the mistakes or aspects that could be improved, but also amending them directly in the translation so we have a finalised text. If there is anything you can translate better, please change it!
  • Mark what you change and give feedback.It is always useful for us to know what our proof-readers change in translations. Therefore, when proof-reading a translation in Word, please use Track Changes feature, and when working in Excel simply highlight the cell with changes with a different background colour (no need to mark every single word unless we ask you to).

    If we need detailed comments on the changes, we will ask you for them and we will tell you where you can insert them.

    Please always avoid using the strikethrough feature as it is as time consuming for us to finalise the text, as it is for you to use this feature.

    We always encourage our proof-readers to send us feedback on the translations. Do not be afraid to give us your opinion, we will appreciate it!

  • If a change does not improve the translation, don’t apply it!Be critical when finalising a translation after our client’s review. Always check if the changes they have requested are correct or improve the translation before you apply them. If  not, please do not apply the change and insert a note explaining why.

My comments:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask, but think before you do it. Our clients like when we ask for clarifications, as it shows we’re paying attention to the project, but silly or absurd questions may show you don’t know the subject in hand or you don’t know what you’re doing, which is really bad for you.
  • When you give feedback, be as professional and objective as possible. Support your changes and comments with links and quotes from dictionaries, grammars and other references.
  • Improve the text, if you can, but don’t make unnecessary changes just to “show you’re working”. Sometimes the translation is good before it reaches you. In this case, praise the translator. 😉
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