Which tool is the best?

I’ve heard this question several times: “Which CAT tool is the best?”

Although I’ve been using only memoQ for over one year now, I believe the best tool (in general, not just for translation) is the one that better fits both you and the occasion. You don’t use (or should not use) a screwdriver as a hammer. Likewise, every file format requires a proper tool.

Before using memoQ I used Wordfast for quite a while, and it served me perfectly well. I just migrated to memoQ when I started to receive projects in formats other than .doc, which Wordfast handles well. It’s also ok with .xls spreadsheets and .ppt presentations, but it’s not unusual for Wordfast to get confused with these files, and then you’ll have a problem.

memoQ, on the other hand, handles well many file formats. Therefore, it was essential for me to change my translation tool if I wanted to keep translating those different file formats. No regrets whatsoever so far, since I currently receive really few .doc files.

If you work only with .doc files, Wordfast is the cheaper and most logical option. And will serve you very well.

Another thing to consider is the learning curve. The best tool for you is the one you feel confortable with. You know its shortcuts, commands and features; it improves your productivity. CAT tools aren’t that difficult to figure out, but I know some colleagues who struggle with them, especially their shortcuts. My hint for the first days with a new tool: print a shortcut list (program Help section usually has it) and leave it beside the keyboard. It helps a lot!

In short: there is no such a thing as ONE better tool. There’s a better tool for you to use in that particular project. You should be familiar with more than one tool. A few tricks to convert files among them are also a handy resource in a translator’s toolbox. That way you can cover more job possibilities on a daily basis.

Coverage: ATA-TCD Business of Translation Conference

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29 must-have free apps for iPad

After a long time, more than I initially foresaw, I managed to gather a list of my favorite (so far) free iPad apps.

Adobe Photoshop Express;

Advanced English Dictionary and Thesaurus

Brasil 247 – Brazilian newspaper for iPad, two daily editions;

Calculator Pro – scientific calculator;

Convert Units – unit converter;

Currency Convert – currency converter, using Yahoo! Finance quotes;

Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa – Portuguese dictionary for iPhone, works well in iPad;

Dictionary.com – English dictionary;

Dropbox – mobile version, syncs with your account;

Echofon – very good Twitter client, especially for those with just one Twitter account;

Evernote – syncs notes, links and pictures with web, computer, and cell. Cannot live without it anymore!

Flipboard – uses your Facebook and Twitter accounts and present them as a magazine;

Guia Prático da Nova Ortografia Michaelis – NOA rules;

Hootsuite – gathers Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. The mobile version allows you to manage multiple accounts for free;

HT-12C – financial calculator;

Kindle – Kindle emulator;

iBooks – similar to Kindle, also opens pdf files. My favorite app for this kind of file;

Idea Sketch – very good mind-mapping app;

MobileRSS – for reading Google Reader feeds. Easy to use and pretty effective, even with many feeds (my case);

Na ponta da língua – “trip” dictionary from Reader’s Digest. English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish;

neu.Annotate PDF – reads and annotates pdf files (thanks for reminding me, Thays!)

Paypal – app to access your Paypal account. Downside: you can’t withdraw money (transfer either for your bank account or credit card) within it;

remoteMouse – turns iPad into a virtual trackpad/keyboard. Works with Mac and Windows computers;


TED – app to access TED videos;

WordPress – app for posting in WordPress. Doesn’t have all the features, and it’s not compatible with all the plug-ins of the web version, but it’s quite effective;

WordWeb – English dictionary;

WorldMate – travel assistant;

Zite – customizable magazine. Really good app.

Have you noticed I didn’t include any Office apps? I haven’t found any “Office-like” app I really enjoy, even among the non-free ones. The “track changes” feature, which is crucial for editing/proofreading, is missing in each and every of them. This means that, at least so far, it’s almost impossible for us translators to let computers behind and work just in iPad. But the apps above already allow me a few hours away from my computer. That’s something, isn’t it?

(Português) iPad, finalmente

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.

Eu disse que preferia o Nook para leitura de e-books, certo? Pois acabei ganhando um iPad no Natal. Eu é que não vou reclamar do presente! Mas vou, certamente, me unir à turba dos insatisfeitos com a App Store Brasil. Quantidade ridícula de aplicativos, em comparação com as lojas dos EUA e Inglaterra, por exemplo. E pior, não podemos abrir conta na App Store EUA, mesmo com cartão de crédito internacional.

Aparentemente, a única forma de contornar essa restrição é com um vale-compras, que pode ser adquirido nos Estados Unidos ou aqui, em sites como o Mercado Livre. Comprados aqui, pode considerar um certo ágio no valor do vale. O vale-compras pode ser de qualquer valor. Salvo engano, o valor mínimo é de USD 10. Ele pode ser comprado online, pago com cartão de crédito e entregue em um endereço nos Estados Unidos. Depois de entregue, tudo o que você precisa para abrir a conta é o código que vem gravado no vale. Além de um endereço e um telefone nos Estados Unidos, claro.

Enquanto o vale-compras não chega, pode instalar os aplicativos que quiser no iPad pela loja brasileira. Nada se perde depois, quando migrar para a outra loja.

Trocar a App Store é fácil: no iTunes, clique em Store > View My Account (ou o equivalente em PT). Depois, no primeiro quadro, mude “país ou região” e em seguida informe o código do vale-compras.

Por segurança, aconselho conectar o iPad ao computador e esperar o backup antes de trocar a loja.

O post sobre aplicativos está no forno. Aguardem o próximo capítulo.

Coverage: memoQfest

Video: Day 1

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Video: Day 2

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Official program

I wish I could be in Budapeste this week! But I’m going to follow the Conference via Twitter and video.

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