Productivity for translators: links from IMTT Conference presentation

First of all, I apologize for taking so long to post the links. Too much work, too little time. For those who attended my presentation, I also apologize for my lack of enthusiasm during the presentation. I was feeling really sick that day, lost all the morning presentations and even thought I couldn’t deliver mine.

Anyway, here are the links I promised:

For Word files:

AndoTools – Official website is off, but this is a copy I kept for myself. Works fine and is virus-free. ReadMe file with info on the release.



For Excel spreadsheets:

Spreadsheet Compare


PDF conversion:

Solid Converter (Windows)

desk unPDF (Mac)

Terminology aggregators:


GoldenDict  (my posts on using the app: part 1, part 2 & part 3)

iGoogle (see also my post on how to include gadgets and dicts to iGoogle)


Backup and sync:

Carbon Copy Cloner (Mac)


SyncBack (Windows)

Links & RSS aggregators:

Delicious (and my Delicious, specially for online glossaries, dictionaries and reference material)


Google Reader

For browsers:

Online proofreader

Nicesharing – splits browser window to show two different websites

Chrome Add-ons:



Google Chrome Dual View

Word Count

Firefox Add-ons:

Add to Search Bar






More Firefox search add-ons


Prezi presentation

Twitter feed – 7th IMTT Language & Technology Conference

The conference in Cordoba was a success! Great presentations, several networking opportunities, tons of info. I still was not able to write about the event, not even to publish the links I mentioned during my presentation (I promised, I know, will handle this during the weekend) but I couldn’t take too long to gather the messages otherwise info could be lost.

The best way of reading them is chronologically, from the bottom up.

I’m also gathering pictures of the event. Do you have any? Please let me know!

IMTT Conference – Twitter feed

Coverage: 7th IMTT Language & Technology Conference

I’m in Cordoba, Argentina, for the 7th IMTT Language and Technlogy Conference.

See below what people are saying on twitter about this event:

Click “Join the conversation” above to read all messages with the event hashtag.

Conference program


(Português) 7ª Conferência de Língua e Tecnologia – Nos vemos lá?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.

Dias 20 a 22 do mês que vem vou a Córdoba para a 7ª Conferência de Língua e Tecnologia organizada pela IMTT. Em português teremos sessões com Danilo Nogueira, João Roque Dias, Kelli Semolini, Marcelo Neves e Renato Beninatto (em ordem alfabética), além das sessões em espanhol e em inglês. Confira o programa, está bastante interessante.

E não tenho palavras para expressar minha satisfação por ter sido convidada como palestrante. E em dose dupla!

No sábado, dia 20, vou apresentar um seminário sobre liberdade de escolha do tradutor. Sou abertamente contra a política de certas agências de dizer qual ferramenta devemos usar para cada projeto. Nada contra o cliente pedir o arquivo em determinado formato, afinal tem o seu fluxo de trabalho, mas o tradutor é quem deve decidir qual ferramenta usar na tradução.

Mas, para poder tomar a melhor decisão, o tradutor precisa conhecer ao máximo cada ferramenta disponível, quais seus pontos fortes e fracos, qual a mais adequada a cada projeto.

Hoje em dia trabalho com o memoQ na maioria dos projetos. Assim, no workshop vou compartilhar algumas técnicas para converter arquivos, memórias e glossários de/para o memoQ e algumas outras ferramentas CAT.

Domingo, dia 21, minha palestra será sobre ferramentas de produtividade: OCR, backup, sincronização e compactação de arquivos, extensões para o navegador, ferramentas de pesquisa e terminologia – detalhes que podem aumentar muito a nossa produtividade no dia a dia tradutório.


E então, nos vemos lá? O prazo para inscrição com desconto termina hoje, 11 de julho.


(Português) memoQ 5: cuidado com a versão que pretende instalar

O memoQ acabou de ser lançado. Vou instalar agora, depois posto minhas impressões iniciais, mas gostaria de adiantar um detalhe importante: quem trabalha com projetos online precisa verificar quando (e se) os clientes vão fazer a transição.

O memoQ 5 não funciona com o memoQ Server das versões anteriores.

Comentários do Gábor Ugray, um dos pais da criança, na lista do memoQ do Yahoo Groups:

Side-by-side installer. The second link, with the “U” after the build number, will install next to an existing 4.5 installation. This allows you to use the new memoQ client as well as the old one, so you can experiment with the new features and still retain the old version — for instance, if you need to work for an agency that’s still running a 4.5 server. We will keep the “U” installer for several builds.

Compatibility. memoQ 5.0 does not migrate any resources. TMs, TBs, corpora and light resources are all mutually usable from both versions. Once you open an existing project in 5.0, it will no longer be accessible in 4.5. You can exchange bilingual files (MBD and XLIFF) as well as handoff/delivery packages between the two versions, except if a cascading filter or the regex tagger was used in the import. You can also use remote TMs and TBs from a new server in the 4.5 client and vice versa; but in order to work in online projects, the client and the server must be on the same version.

Licenses. If you are upgrading from 4.5, then upon first start 5.0 will need to talk to our activation server to receive an upgrade license. This is the first new memoQ version when the activation server decides about upgrade entitlement by asking our CRM system. We took special care to make sure all the right information is there, but if we made a mistake and you don’t receive a 5.0 license after upgrading and you believe you are entitled to one, then please mail us at, and don’t forget to include your serial number.

Server upgrades. We are currently creating upgrade licenses for all entitled server users. Before you upgrade, please update your licenses back in 4.5, and verify that you receive a new item where the version number is 5.0. If that’s not the case, again, please mail us at support and include your serial number. There is no side-by-side installer for servers; after upgrading to 5.0 it is not possible to downgrade unless you have a backup of the server’s SQL database.


Ou seja, quem trabalha com projetos online provavelmente vai precisar da versão “U”, que não “mata” o memoQ 4.5. É a versão que vou instalar aqui. No upgrade anterior fiz o mesmo processo, funcionou muito bem. A ver como fica agora.

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