Webinar sobre Snowball

Acabei de receber email anunciando repeteco do webinar sobre o Snowball amanhã, 29 de janeiro. Confesso que fiquei perdidinha no webinar anterior, talvez por ainda não ter instalado nem fuçado no programa antes.

Segue cópia da mensagem:

Dear IOL webinar attendees,

A lot of you requested a repeat Snowball webinar, and I’m happy to report that I’ll be holding what will hopefully be the first of many more such sessions, tomorrow, Friday Jan. 29th, at 9 am GMT (10:00 am CET). I know this is short notice, but I’m figuring since my own translation load has been just a bit less than overwhelming this week, the same may hold for some of you, too.

In this broadcast, I’ll review the material from the IOL webinar in December for those who missed it or wish to review, and I’ll try to answer some questions. Total run time will be about 60-90 minutes including questions.

I’m going to be holding this session on the UStream free broadcasting web site. You don’t have to register with UStream to watch, but I’d encourage you to register for free because this will allow you to participate with your questions – as far as I can tell, you will not be allowed to participate in the chat if you are not a registered UStream user.

You can click on the link below to go to the webinar at any time, and you may see me there testing my broadcast setup beforehand, as this is all new to me:


Hope to “see” you tomorrow!


Erich Hegenberger

Vou tentar assistir novamente, apesar do horário: 7 da manhã, horário de Brasília. Vi uma demonstração rápida na conferência da ATA e acho que talvez dê para aproveitar o Snowball junto com alguma outra CAT. A ver.


A gravação do webinar de hoje cedo (que eu perdi, por sinal) está no link acima.

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